Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Be My Valentine

I know, I know, Enough of Valentine's already but maybe because Robert and my birthdays both fall in the month of love, we have to celebrate. He conveniently works across the street so I can run goodies over any time. It doesn't happen all that often but once I found a red, heart shaped basket so at least once a year, he gets a basket full of valentines. The ideas for most of these tags came from Better Homes and Gardens. They made them a little more official. www.bhg.com/holidays/valentines-day/cards/valentines-day-cards-with-candy

The other thing that happened to our family is that Peter started preschool in January. He loves it but we had to do the Valentines exchange thing. I will be honest, as a kid, I dreaded making valentines for all those kids, like them as I might, I did not like Valentines. And yes, we hand made them all. So, in keeping with tradition, we made ours this year but I did NOT buy 1 piece of candy! And the kids still like Peter. Alot. Because he made paper airplanes. With lightning bolts and hearts drawn on them. And they had a loft to fly them from. It was really fun. At least for the kids. I got the instructions from www.10paperairplanes.com. That's how we had so many cool designs.

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